Κυριακή, 21 Απριλίου, 2024

«50 Χρόνια Χρυσάφι» στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Θεσσαλονίκης – Hit Channel

Μία κιβωτός τραγούδια, μιας ζωής χρυσάφι.

Ο Μανώλης Μητσιάς θα γιορτάσει μία σπουδαία διαδρομή σε μία μοναδική βραδιά στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Θεσσαλονίκης την Παρασκευή 4 Νοεμβρίου στις 21:00.

Ένα μαγευτικό μουσικό οδοιπορικό με στάσεις στους σημαντικότερους σταθμούς του Μανώλη Μητσιά, που αποτελούν ταυτόχρονα και πολλές από τις εμβληματικές στιγμές και εκφάνσεις του σύγχρονου ελληνικού τραγουδιού. Όπως τις ζωγράφισε ο ίδιος με το εκπληκτικό και μοναδικό ηχόχρωμά του.

Ένα μελωδικό ταξίδι ενός τόσο απέριττου αλλά και τόσο ουσιαστικού καλλιτέχνη μέσα στη νύχτα, που την γεμίζει μαγεία και φως για χάρη των συνοδοιπόρων του, για χάρη μας.

Ο Μανώλης Μητσιάς θα μοιραστεί μαζί μας της δικής του «Γης Το Χρυσάφι».

Θα μας τραγουδήσει για τη «Μικρή Ραλλού», για τον «Γιάννη Τον Φονιά» και θα μας πάει «Ελευσίνα» και  «Μ’ Ένα Παράπονο» θα μας ερμηνεύσει «Μη Χτυπάς», «Αυτά Τα Χέρια», «Ποτέ», «Σου ‘Χω Έτοιμη Συγγνώμη», «Ερωτικό» και πολλά πολλά ακόμη τραγούδια.

Στα 50 έτη της καλλιτεχνικής πορείας του ο Μανώλης Μητστιάς έχει ερμηνεύσει τραγούδια σε μουσικές των Μίκη Θεοδωράκη, Μάνου Χατζιδάκι, Σταύρου Ξαρχάκου, Δήμου Μούτση, Μάνου Λοΐζου, Λουκιανού Κηλαηδόνη, Γιάννη Σπανού, Θάνου Μικρούτσικου, Διονύση Σαββόπουλου, Σταμάτη Κραουνάκη, Άκη Πάνου, Ηλία Ανδριόπουλου, Γιώργου Χατζηνάσιου και Χρήστου Λεοντή.

Επίσης, έχει ερμηνεύσει τραγούδια σε στίχους και ποίηση των Νίκου Γκάτσου, Οδυσσέα Ελύτη, Γιώργου Σεφέρη, Μανώλη Αναγνωστάκη, Γιάννη Ρίτσου, Λευτέρη Παπαδόπουλου, Μάνου Ελευθερίου, Λίνας Νικολακοπούλου και πολλών άλλων.

Παίζουν οι μουσικοί: Νεοκλής Νεοφυτίδης (πιάνο), Ηρακλής Ζάκκας (μπουζούκι), Γιώτης Σαμαράς (ακουστική κιθάρα), Τίνα Ντουφεξιάδου (βιολοντσέλο), Σταύρος Καβαλιεράτος (ηλεκτρικό μπάσο), Γιώργος Τσιατσούλης (ακορντεόν) και Σπύρος Παναγιωτόπουλος (τύμπανα).

Ηχοληψία: Δημήτρης Μπουρμπούλης, Γιώργος Κολεβέντης

Μανώλης Μητσιάς
50 Χρόνια Χρυσάφι

Μέγαρο Μουσικής Θεσσαλονίκης
Αίθουσα Φίλων Μουσικής Μ1

Παρασκευή 4 Νοεμβρίου 2022
Ώρα έναρξης: 21:00

Η προπώληση εισιτηρίων πραγματοποιείται μέσω www.viva.gr, 11876 και του δικτύου των μεταπωλητών του Viva.


«1, 2, 3… Έρχεται το ’23!» – Παραμονή της Πρωτοχρονιάς στην ΕΡΤ1 με ξεχωριστούς καλεσμένους

H ΕΡΤ σας εύχεται «Καλή Χρονιά» με το πιο πρωτότυπο και κεφάτο εορταστικό πρόγραμμα.

Η Παραμονή της Πρωτοχρονιάς στην ΕΡΤ θα είναι μαγική.

Ο Σπύρος Παπαδόπουλος με μία παρέα από πενήντα ξεχωριστούς καλεσμένους προσκαλούν τους τηλεθεατές, το βράδυ της Παραμονής Πρωτοχρονιάς, στις 22:00, στην ΕΡΤ1, σε ένα πρωτότυπο κεφάτο, εορταστικό πρόγραμμα, σε μία μεγάλη γιορτή, για να πούμε όλοι μαζί «1, 2, 3… Έρχεται το ’23» και να υποδεχτούμε με χαρά και αισιοδοξία τη νέα χρονιά.

Τον Σπύρο Παπαδόπουλο πλαισιώνουν ο ανατρεπτικός Φοίβος Δεληβοριάς, ο μοναδικός Νίκος Πορτοκάλογλου και ο κορυφαίος μουσικοσυνθέτης και σολίστας του μπουζουκιού Χρήστος Νικολόπουλος, οι οποίοι ντύνουν μουσικά τη βραδιά.

Τα τραγούδια του Χρήστου Νικολόπουλου ερμηνεύει με την ξεχωριστή φωνή της η Γιώτα Νέγκα, ενώ η Ρένα Μόρφη, με την ιδιαίτερη φωνή της, θα μας χαρίσει πολλά αγαπημένα τραγούδια και διασκευές. Τις τρεις ώρες της μουσικής βραδιάς υπογράφει μία εξαιρετική μπάντα, «Οι Μουσικοί του Κουτιού».

Ηθοποιοί, τραγουδιστές, παρουσιαστές, δημοσιογράφοι αλλά και συνθέτες που μας κρατάνε συντροφιά καθημερινά μέσα από το πρόγραμμα της ΕΡΤ γιορτάζουν μαζί μας την αλλαγή του νέου χρόνου, σε μία μαγική βραδιά γεμάτη γλυκιές αναμνήσεις, μοναδικές εκπλήξεις και πολλά αγαπημένα τραγούδια.

Ανατρέχοντας στο παρελθόν, αγαπημένοι ηθοποιοί που πρωταγωνιστούν στις επιτυχημένες σειρές της ΕΡΤ και γνωστοί παρουσιαστές θυμούνται τις Πρωτοχρονιές των παιδικών τους χρόνων, μοιράζονται με τους τηλεθεατές τρυφερές, αστείες αλλά και συγκινητικές αναμνήσεις και ερμηνεύουν υπέροχα τραγούδια, δημιουργώντας μία ατμόσφαιρα γιορτής ντυμένη με αγαπημένες μελωδίες.

Στις εκπλήξεις της βραδιάς, η Έμιλυ Κολιανδρή, η Λένα Παπαληγούρα και η Ευγενία Δημητροπούλου, οι οποίες συγκινούνται όταν ανοίγουν τα δώρα τους και επιτέλους κρατάνε στα χέρια τους τα παιχνίδια που επιθυμούσαν από παιδιά και ποτέ δεν τους έφερε ο Άγιος Βασίλης.

Ο Φώτης Σεργουλόπουλος, η Τζένη Μελιτά, η Φωτεινή Μπαξεβάνη, η Μαρίνα Ασλάνογλου, η Πηνελόπη Πλάκα, ο Τάκης Γιαννούτσος και ο Θοδωρής Βαμβακάρης φέρνουν φωτογραφίες από το παρελθόν και μας ταξιδεύουν στις αναμνήσεις των παιδικών τους χρόνων.

Ανάμεσα στα απρόσμενα ντουέτα της βραδιάς, ο Χρήστος Λούλης και η σύζυγός του, Έμιλυ Κολιανδρή, ερμηνεύουν με διαφορετικό τρόπο το τραγούδι «Ο Ωραίος Και Η Ωραία» του Χρήστου Νικολόπουλου,  ανεβάζοντας το κέφι στα ύψη.

Η Δωροθέα Μερκούρη ενώνει τη φωνή της με τον Νίκο Πορτοκάλογλου σε ένα ντουέτο – έκπληξη, ενώ ο Τάσος Γιαννόπουλος θα «ραπάρει» μαζί με τον Φοίβο Δεληβοριά το «Je Suis Bossu» από τα Ημισκούμπρια.

Και αυτή είναι μόνο μία μικρή γεύση από τις εκπλήξεις της Πρωτοχρονιάς.

Στην εορταστική βραδιά της ΕΡΤ θα απολαύσουμε σε τραγουδιστικά ντουέτα τους: Ελισάβετ Μουτάφη, Αλέξανδρο Λογοθέτη, Θεοδώρα Σιάρκου, Φωτεινή Μπαξεβάνη, Φώτη Σεργουλόπουλο, Τζένη Μελιτά, Νεφέλη Κουρή, Θοδωρή Φραντζέσκο, Γιωργή Τσουρή, Δημήτρη Σαμόλη , Άλκηστη Ζιρώ, Μιχάλη Σαράντη, Ζωή Κρονάκη, Δημήτρη Γιαγτζόγλου, Δημήτρη Καπουράνη, Λεωνίδα Κουλουρή, Μιχάλη Οικονόμου, Αλέξανδρο Χρυσανθόπουλο, Βάσω Καβαλιεράτου αλλά και τον Σπύρο Παπαδόπουλο.

Όλοι μαζί δίνουμε ραντεβού την Παραμονή της Πρωτοχρονιάς στις 22:00 στην ΕΡΤ1, με τον Σπύρο Παπαδόπουλο και τους τρεις αγαπημένους μας συνθέτες, Φοίβο Δεληβοριά, Νίκο Πορτοκάλογλου και Χρήστο Νικολόπουλο, για να πούμε:

«1, 2, 3… Έρχεται το ’23» με πολλή μουσική, κέφι και ευχές για μία υπέροχη χρονιά.

ΕΡΤ1 - Παραμονή Πρωτοχρονιάς

Καλεσμένοι (με αλφαβητική σειρά): Μαρίνα Ασλάνογλου, Θοδωρής Βαμβακάρης, Τάσος Γιαννόπουλος, Τάκης Γιαννούτσος, Δημήτρης Γιαγτζόγλου, Ευγενία Δημητροπούλου, Άλκηστις Ζιρώ, Βάσω Καβαλιεράτου, Δημήτρης Καπουράνης, Έμιλυ Κολιανδρή, Νικολέτα Κοτσαηλίδου, Γιώργος Κουβαράς, Λεωνίδας Κουλουρής, Νεφέλη Κουρή, Ζωή Κρονάκη, Γωγώ Κωβαίου, Αλέξανδρος Λογοθέτης,

Χρήστος Λούλης, Βίκυ Μαϊδάνογλου, Θάλεια Ματίκα, Τζένη Μελιτά, Δωροθέα Μερκούρη, Γεωργία Μεσαρίτη, Ελισάβετ Μουτάφη, Φωτεινή Μπαξεβάνη, Μιχάλης Οικονόμου, Ιωάννης Παπαζήσης, Λένα Παπαληγούρα, Αλέξανδρος Piechowiak, Πηνελόπη Πλάκα, Δημήτρης Σαμόλης, Μιχάλης Σαράντης,  Φώτης Σεργουλόπουλος, Θεοδώρα Σιάρκου, Γιούλικα Σκαφιδά, Γιωργής Τσουρής, Θοδωρής Φραντζέσκος, Χάρης Χιώτης, Αλέξανδρος Χρυσανθόπουλος

Μουσικοί του Κουτιού: Γιάννης Δίσκος (μαέστρος), Λάμπης Κουντουρόγιαννης, Θανάσης Τσακιράκης, Βύρων Τσουράπης,  Δημήτρης Καζάνης, Στέλιος Φραγκούς


“X Blocks Searches For ‘Taylor Swift’ After The Deepfake Incident

Something went wrong. Try reloading.” If since Saturday you’ve tried searching for the string “Taylor Swift” on X (Twitter), you’ve likely encountered this message as well.

It’s not #TwitterDown, but a measure taken by Elon Musk’s social platform in response to the surge of AI-generated deepfakes depicting the artist in sexually explicit poses and situations. After both the SAG-AFTRA (the U.S. union representing about 170,000 media and entertainment industry workers) and the White House had expressed concerns about the dangers of online dissemination of deepfake pornography, X implemented (not without some delay) a measure to theoretically limit the circulation of these images, preventing users from viewing any search results related to Swift’s name.

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However, there are loopholes: as some users have pointed out, other search strings containing the singer’s name, such as “Taylor AI Swift,” still yield results. According to Joe Benarroch, Head of Business Operations at X, “it’s a temporary decision made with careful consideration. Our priority right now is safety.”

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“Visions”: Norah Jones With New Material You Must Hear!

The 9th studio album of the Grammy-winning songwriter, pianist, and singer Norah Jones, titled “Visions,” is set to be released on March 8th!

Norah Jones collaborates with the multi-instrumentalist and producer Leon Michels for all 12 tracks of the album.

“Running” serves as the lead single for the acclaimed artist’s new musical work and undoubtedly encapsulates the entire vibe of the “Visions” album, featuring a mood of awakening and liberation!

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All This Time (Norah Jones/Leon Michels)
Staring at the Wall (Norah Jones/Leon Michels)
Paradise (Norah Jones/Leon Michels)
Queen of the Sea (Norah Jones)
Visions (Norah Jones)
Running (Norah Jones/Leon Michels)
I Just Wanna Dance (Norah Jones/Leon Michels/Homer Steinweiss)
I’m Awake (Norah Jones)
Swept Up in the Night (Norah Jones/Leon Michels)
On My Way (Norah Jones/Pete Remm)
Alone With My Thoughts (Norah Jones/Leon Michels)
That’s Life (Norah Jones/Leon Michels)

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“The Beatles’ Timeless Resonance: Rediscovering ‘The Red’ And ‘The Blue’ Albums With Dolby Atmos Magic

The collections “The Beatles 1962-1966” (“The Red Album”) and “The Beatles 1967-1970” (“The Blue Album”) are being released with a new stereo mix and Dolby Atmos format.

The Red & Blue albums, since their release 50 years ago, have conveyed the musical legacy of The Beatles to successive generations.

The collections include “Now And Then,” the latest song by The Beatles, currently holding the number one position in sales in England.

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“The Beatles’ Timeless Resonance: Rediscovering ‘The Red’ and ‘The Blue’ Albums with Dolby Atmos Magic

“Now And Then” is the final song by The Beatles, written and performed by John Lennon. Initially, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr worked on it, and today, four decades later, the latter two have completed it!

Essentially, “Now And Then” is a single that combines, on its two sides, their latest song “Now And Then” along with their first, “Love Me Do,” released in 1962. The two songs are mixed in stereo and Dolby Atmos sound. The release includes original covers designed by the famous artist Ed Ruscha, and “Now And Then” is accompanied by its official music video.

Here the Tracklist:

1962-1966 (2023 Edition)

(2CD: stereo / Digital + Streaming: stereo & Dolby Atmos)

* = newly added track


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1: Love Me Do (2023 Mix)

2: Please Please Me (2023 Mix)

3: I Saw Her Standing There (2023 Mix) *

4: Twist And Shout (2023 Mix) *

5: From Me To You (2023 Mix)

6: She Loves You (2023 Mix)

7: I Want To Hold Your Hand (2023 Mix)

8: This Boy (2023 Mix) *

9: All My Loving (2023 Mix)

10: Roll Over Beethoven (2023 Mix) *

11: You Really Got A Hold On Me (2023 Mix) *

12: Can’t Buy Me Love (2023 Mix)

13: You Can’t Do That (2023 Mix) *

14: A Hard Day’s Night (2023 Mix)

15: And I Love Her (2023 Mix)

16: Eight Days A Week (2023 Mix)

17: I Feel Fine (2023 Mix)

18: Ticket To Ride (2023 Mix)

19: Yesterday (2023 Mix)


1: Help! (2023 Mix)

2: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away (2023 Mix)

3: We Can Work It Out (2023 Mix)

4: Day Tripper (2023 Mix)

5: Drive My Car (2023 Mix)

6 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (2023 Mix)

7: Nowhere Man (2023 Mix)

8: Michelle (2023 Mix)

9: In My Life (2023 Mix)

10: If I Needed Someone (2023 Mix) *

11: Girl (2023 Mix)

12: Paperback Writer (2022 Mix)

13: Eleanor Rigby (2022 Mix)

14: Yellow Submarine (2022 Mix)

15: Taxman (2022 Mix) *

16: Got To Get You Into My Life (2022 Mix) *

17: I’m Only Sleeping (2022 Mix) *

18: Here, There And Everywhere (2022 Mix) *

19: Tomorrow Never Knows (2022 Mix) *

1967-1970 (2023 Edition)

(2CD: stereo / Digital + Streaming: stereo & Dolby Atmos)

* = newly added track


1: Strawberry Fields Forever (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)

2: Penny Lane (2017 Mix)

3: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (2017 Mix)

4: With A Little Help From My Friends (2017 Mix)

5: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (2017 Mix)

6: Within You Without You (2017 Mix) *

7: A Day In The Life (2017 Mix)

8: All You Need Is Love (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)

9: I Am The Walrus (2023 Mix)

10: Hello, Goodbye (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)

11: The Fool On The Hill (2023 Mix)

12: Magical Mystery Tour (2023 Mix)

13: Lady Madonna (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)

14: Hey Jude (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)

15: Revolution (2023 Mix)


1: Back In The U.S.S.R. (2018 Mix)

2: Dear Prudence (2018 Mix) *

3: While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2018 Mix)

4: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (2018 Mix)

5: Glass Onion (2018 Mix) *

6: Blackbird (2018 Mix) *

7: Hey Bulldog (2023 Mix) *

8: Get Back (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)

9: Don’t Let Me Down (2021 Mix)

10: The Ballad Of John And Yoko (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)

11: Old Brown Shoe (2023 Mix)

12: Here Comes The Sun (2019 Mix)

13: Come Together (2019 Mix)

14: Something (2019 Mix)

15: Octopus’s Garden (2019 Mix)

16: Oh! Darling (2019 Mix) *

17: I Want You (She’s So Heavy) (2019 Mix) *

18: Let It Be (2021 Mix)

19: Across The Universe (2021 Mix)

20: I Me Mine (2021 Mix) *

21: The Long And Winding Road (2021 Mix)

22: Now And Then *

1962-1966 & 1967-1970 (2023 Editions) 4CD SLIPCASED SET

(‘Red’: CDs 1 & 2 / ‘Blue’: CDs 3 & 4)

(stereo / all 75 tracks as listed above)

1962-1966 + 1967-1970 (2023 EDITIONS) 6LP VINYL SLIPCASED SET

(1962-1966: LPs 1-3 / 1967-1970: LPs 4-6)

(stereo / 1962-1966 3LP Vinyl & 1967-1970 3LP Vinyl = same track sequencing for each as listed below)

LP1 (‘Red’)

Side A:

1: Love Me Do (2023 Mix)

2: Please Please Me (2023 Mix)

3: From Me To You (2023 Mix)

4: She Loves You (2023 Mix)

5: I Want To Hold Your Hand (2023 Mix)

6: All My Loving (2023 Mix)

7: Can’t Buy Me Love (2023 Mix)

Side B:

1: A Hard Day’s Night (2023 Mix)

2: And I Love Her (2023 Mix)

3: Eight Days A Week (2023 Mix)

4: I Feel Fine (2023 Mix)

5: Ticket To Ride (2023 Mix)

6: Yesterday (2023 Mix)

LP2 (‘Red’)

Side A:

1: Help! (2023 Mix)

2: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away (2023 Mix)

3: We Can Work It Out (2023 Mix)

4: Day Tripper (2023 Mix)

5: Drive My Car (2023 Mix)

6: Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (2023 Mix)

Side B:

1: Nowhere Man (2023 Mix)

2: Michelle (2023 Mix)

3: In My Life (2023 Mix)

4: Girl (2023 Mix)

5: Paperback Writer (2022 Mix)

6: Eleanor Rigby (2022 Mix)

7: Yellow Submarine (2022 Mix)

LP3 (Bonus ‘Red’ LP)

Side A:

1: I Saw Her Standing There (2023 Mix)

2: Twist And Shout (2023 Mix)

3: This Boy (2023 Mix)

4: Roll Over Beethoven (2023 Mix)

5: You Really Got A Hold On Me (2023 Mix)

6: You Can’t Do That (2023 Mix)

Side B:

1: If I Needed Someone (2023 Mix)

2: Got To Get You Into My Life (2022 Mix)

3: I’m Only Sleeping (2022 Mix)

4: Taxman (2022 Mix)

5: Here, There And Everywhere (2022 Mix)

6: Tomorrow Never Knows (2022 Mix)

LP4 (‘Blue’)

Side A:

1: Strawberry Fields Forever (2015 mix)

2: Penny Lane (2017 mix)

3: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (2017 Mix)

4: With A Little Help From My Friends (2017 Mix)

5: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (2017 Mix)

6: A Day In The Life (2017 Mix)

7: All You Need Is Love (2015 Mix)

Side B:

1: I Am The Walrus (2023 Mix)

2: Hello, Goodbye (2015 Mix)

3: The Fool On The Hill (2023 Mix)

4: Magical Mystery Tour (2023 Mix)

5: Lady Madonna (2015 Mix)

6: Hey Jude (2015 Mix)

7: Revolution (2023 Mix)

LP5 (‘Blue’)

Side A:

1: Back In The U.S.S.R. (2018 Mix)

2: While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2018 Mix)

3: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (2018 Mix)

4: Get Back (2015 Mix)

5: Don’t Let Me Down (2021 Mix)

6: The Ballad Of John And Yoko (2015 Mix)

7: Old Brown Shoe (2023 Mix)

Side B:

1: Here Comes The Sun (2019 Mix)

2: Come Together (2019 Mix)

3: Something (2019 Mix)

4: Octopus’s Garden (2019 Mix)

5: Let It Be (2021 Mix)

6: Across The Universe (2021 Mix)

7: The Long And Winding Road (2021 Mix)

LP6 (Bonus ‘Blue’ LP)

Side A:

1: Now And Then

2: Blackbird (2018 Mix)

3: Dear Prudence (2018 Mix)

4: Glass Onion (2018 Mix)

5: Within You Without You (2017 Mix)

Side B:

1: Hey Bulldog (2023 Mix)

2: Oh! Darling (2019 Mix)

3: I Me Mine (2021 Mix)

4: I Want You (She’s So Heavy) (2019 Mix)


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“Tell Me”: Shygirl And Boys Noize’s Electrifying Collaboration #Listen

Shygirl and Boys Noize have collaborated on a fresh single titled ‘tell me,’ part of the upcoming EP, ‘Club Shy.’ You can listen to the track below, and the entire EP is set to be released digitally and on pink 12″ vinyl on March 29th.

The EP boasts contributions from producers SG Lewis, Karma Kid, and Sega Bodega. Shygirl has extended invitations to guest artists Empress Of and Lolo Zouaï for this record. Notable preceding singles include ‘thicc,’ featuring Kingdom, and ‘F@k€,’ where Cosha takes the spotlight.

The six-track EP shares its name with Shygirl’s club event series, ‘Club Shy,’ initiated as a tribute to the vibrant nightlife she encountered growing up and continues to embrace in East London. After its debut at Metropolis in 2022, Club Shy has expanded its reach to cities such as Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and even hosted editions in Brazil.

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You can pre-order the release here.

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“Staring At The Wall”: Norah Jones’ Musical Journey

Watch Norah Jones‘ music video for her new single “Staring at the Wall“!

Norah Jones has shared her new song “Staring at the Wall” along with an accompanying music video directed by Jones and Kyle Paas, featuring footage from the studio as well as handwritten lyrics by Norah. It’s the second song revealed from her ninth solo studio album, titled “Visions,” which is set to release on March 8th. A collaboration with producer and multi-instrumentalist Leon Michels, the album was introduced last month with the lead single “Running.”

“This is one of my favorites,” says Jones about “Staring at the Wall,” which was co-written by Jones and Michels and features Norah on vocals, guitar, and piano with Leon on bass, drums, and tambourine. “It was a bit of a left turn from anything else on the album. It’s the first time I played guitar with Leon, we were just trying to find something different. I got on guitar and he got on drums and it just took off. It’s really fun to play music sometimes, and I feel like there were a lot of those moments on this album. It had a really nice guitar sound for me, so I felt good.

“The reason I named the album ‘Visions’ is because a lot of the ideas came during the night or right before sleep, and ‘Running’ was one of those where you’re half asleep and somewhat awake. We did most of the songs the same way with me on piano or guitar and Leon on drums and we just jammed on different things. I like the rawness between me and Leon, the way it sounds kind of garage but also kind of playful, because it’s coming from there, but not overly perfected.” – Norah Jones

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“Jiggy”: The Bronx-Danish Fusion Of CANCUN?’s Car Music Phenomenon

CANCUN? is a Bronx-raised, Danish-based rapper and producer with Afro-Caribbean roots. His latest track, “Jiggy,” embodies the unique sound of OneHundred label under Spinnin’ Records, seamlessly blending electronic and hip-hop elements. Described as “car music,” the song’s deep bass, rhythmic beats, and bold rap vocals guarantee a lively experience on the road or dancefloor.

CANCUN? honed his musical craft in the Bronx, where diverse influences shaped his perspective. Now known as “The Concept Guy” in Denmark, he effortlessly fuses genres, earning international acclaim. Notably, his hits like “All Designer” and “NYC BABY” have dominated the Chinese EDM charts, solidifying his position on the global stage. With raw vocals and unorthodox lyrics, CANCUN? continues to break musical boundaries, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.

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“Grammy 2024: Joni Mitchell And U2 To Perform

The cast of artists set to perform at the Grammy Awards 2024 ceremony, taking place at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on the night of February 4th and 5th, continues to expand. Here is the list of nominations by category at this link.

In addition to the previously announced Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, Olivia Rodrigo, Billy Joel, Travis Scott, Burna Boy, and Luke Combs, two prominent names have been added over the weekend.

U2 will be connecting live from the Sphere in Las Vegas, where they are performing as part of the U2:UV Achtung Baby residency. In addition to their performance, the Irish band, boasting 22 Grammy wins, will also present one of the awards.

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Another significant guest will be Joni Mitchell, who, despite having won nine Grammys and receiving a well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Award, has never performed at the so-called Music’s Biggest Night in America. Her album “Joni Mitchell at Newport” is nominated in the Best Folk Album category.

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“313”: Residente’s Poignant Musical Tribute

The Puerto Rican Residente collaborates with Silvia Pérez Cruz and Penélope Cruz for the brand-new single “313”!

When art transcends mere entertainment to touch the soul, it leaves an indelible mark on its audience. This is precisely the ambition behind Residente’s latest music video for “313,” a poignant exploration of life, death, and the eternal bonds that exist beyond our physical existence. Released on February 20th, this masterpiece not only showcases the multifaceted talent of the Puerto Rican artist but also serves as a poignant tribute to his dear friend and violinist, Valentina.

In an industry often criticized for its superficiality, Residente stands out for his commitment to depth and authenticity. “313” is no exception. The song, and its accompanying video, delve into the deep themes of the cyclical nature of life and the mysterious connections that bind us beyond death. Residente reveals that the number 313 began appearing frequently in his life after Valentina’s death, serving as a painful reminder of their connection. This bizarre coincidence inspired the creation of a musical tribute that is as much a celebration of life as it is an elegy for a departed soul.

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The production of the video is a testament to Residente’s vision, bringing together a roster of talents to breathe life into his idea. Penélope Cruz, with her poignant vocal performance, sets the tone, gracefully guiding us through the circle of life with grace and intensity. The inclusion of Valentina’s sister, who contributes with haunting violin melodies, adds a layer of personal significance and emotional depth. Meanwhile, the mesmerizing vocals of Silvia Pérez Cruz envelop the listener, creating an atmosphere that is both ethereal and deeply rooted in human emotion. Shot in the picturesque landscapes of Segovia, Spain, the stunning visuals of the video, directed by Residente himself, underscore the themes of transition and continuity that define our existence.

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‘Ηβη Αδάμου – Ρίξε Με (Panik Concert 2023 by opaponline.gr) – Official Live Video

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Στίχοι : Μιχάλης (ΜΕΘ) ΚΟΥΙΝΕΛΗΣ
Μουσικη: Flori Mumajesi

Το Panik Concert, το μουσικό γεγονός της χρονιάς που αγαπήθηκε από την πρώτη στιγμή και έχει γίνει θεσμός, επέστρεψε για δεύτερη φορά, μέσα από μία επική και φαντασμαγορική συναυλία στην οποία παρουσιάστηκαν οι μεγάλες επιτυχίες της φετινής χρονιάς που έχουν την υπογραφή της Panik Entertainment Group, αλλά και αγαπημένα τραγούδια σε ντουέτα – έκπληξη.



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‘Ενα συναρπαστικό music video έρχεται στις 12/05, 17:00 #shorts #NikosOikonomopoulos #HeavenMusic

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‘Έλενα Παπαπαναγιώτου – Σε Γελάσανε – Official Music Video

Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribePanikRecordsTube
Buy/Stream here:
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3OzEKR1
iTunes/Apple Music: https://apple.co/3O8DSm3
Deezer: https://bit.ly/4aZzEXL

Μουσική: Βασίλης Γαβριηλίδης
Στίχοι: Αγγελική Μακρυνιώτη

Directed By Mike Marzz
Production Manager: Nikos Zagas
Production Assistant: Aggelos Mikelis , Angelo Araitzoglou


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‘Murder On The Dancefloor’ Could Have Been The Debut Single Of The New Radicals

Sophie Ellis-Bextor‘s timeless hit “Murder On The Dancefloor” from her 2001 album “Saltburn” is making waves once again! The iconic song, famously featured in a provocative scene in the film, has just made its debut appearance on the Hot 100 chart. What’s even more intriguing? Gregg Alexander, co-writer of the song, recently unveiled some fascinating insights in an exclusive interview with Variety.

In a surprising revelation, Alexander disclosed that “Murder On The Dancefloor” was almost the debut single for the legendary 90s group, New Radicals. Today, he generously shared a snippet of the demo for the first time, offering fans a glimpse into its evolution.

The New Radicals, known for their smash hit “You Get What You Give” from the acclaimed album “Maybe You’ve Been Brainwashed Too,” disbanded after their meteoric rise in 1998. Alexander, however, didn’t fade into obscurity; instead, he embarked on a prolific journey, writing for renowned artists like Ellis-Bextor, Santana, Hanson, and Rod Stewart. His talents even earned him an Oscar nomination for the 2013 movie “Begin Again.”

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Reflecting on the genesis of “Murder On The Dancefloor,” Alexander revealed its inception in 1994, stemming from a moment of frustration in Detroit’s club scene. Comparing it to Paul McCartney’s whimsical origins of “Yesterday,” Alexander explained that the catchy phrase was initially a placeholder but evolved into something more profound.

Despite the tough choice between “Murder” and “You Get What You Give” as the New Radicals’ debut single, Alexander ultimately chose the latter, considering it a masterpiece encapsulating his message within five minutes.

However, Alexander’s passion for “Murder” endured, leading to a fruitful collaboration with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, resulting in multiple Top 10 hits. Recalling moments in Mayfair Studios where he witnessed people dancing to “Murder On The Dancefloor,” Alexander recognized its resonance.

In a remarkable reunion, New Radicals reunited after 22 years to perform for Joe Biden’s virtual inauguration parade in 2021, with “You Get What You Give” serving as a poignant tribute to the President’s late son, Beau.

You can listen to Gregg Alexander’s demo of “Murder On The Dancefloor” here.

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